
3 Easy Steps to a better future for Uptown!

STEP 1: Join our notice list to stay informed

Use the form below

Send an email to

Or call our office: 619-889-5626

STEP 2: Write your officials

A. Copy the text below (Select with mouse, hold CTRL and press C)

B. CLICK HERE to start your email to 9 Councilmembers and the Mayor.

C. Paste the text (Hold CTRL and press V) OR write your own message.

Dear City Councilmember:

I support responsible development in Uptown. Please don’t throw away 7 years of work by Uptown residents. We can allow plenty of new development without extreme provisions.

I request that you choose:

1. The Density Redistribution Alternative, recommended by neighborhood groups, to accommodate growth while preserving the character of Uptown.

2. Or the city-sponsored Community Plan Update, also called the CPU, created by the Planning Dept. This is the residents’ 2nd choice.

Reject the Planning Commission proposal, which came at the last minute, to add unplanned growth, with no height limits in large areas. This plan ignores 7 years of work by residents. It would make planning into a “numbers game” where sound planning is pushed aside.


STEP 3: Reserve this date to attend. Just one meeting–this is it!

City Council hearing

Monday, Nov 14, 1:30 pm. City Hall, 202 C Street, 12th floor

Send us an email to RSVP. Carpools available.