The New Uptown Community Plan Proposed by the Mayor’s Office Must be Rejected

The runaway freight train is coming! After 4 years of work, the Uptown Planners will review the revised Uptown Community Plan.

It’s worse than you think!  2 to 3 times the highest current density.  218-290 units per acre, with no height limit! Would result in high-rise towers, up to 20-30 stories! 

What You Can Do

1. Attend the Uptown Planners Meeting

State your opposition to the city’s excessive plan.

The community should tell city officials: Reject the plan, scale-it back!

Tuesday, May 7

6:00 pm

Joyce Beer’s Community Center (near Trader Joe’s)

3900 Vermont St, San Diego CA 92103

2. Add Your Name

Add your name on the Take Action page to get future updates.